813.556.T.REP (8737) info@tamparep.org


The following people and organizations have contributed to TampaRep in 2022 and beyond. Please consider adding your name to this list today!

Last updated 2.23.25
If we’ve missed you, please email info@tamparep.org


The Gobioff Foundation


Russell Buchan
Preschool Experience Inc.
The Gobioff Foundation
Thomas Mooser
Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners
Community Foundation Tampa Bay


Bill & Sylvia Hahn
Love IV Lawrence Foundation
Hal Freedman & Willi Rudowsky
Andrea Graham & Geoff Simon
Chris & Briget Hart
In Honor of Susan Kautz
Michael L. & Kay D. Mahoney
Brain & Behavior Research Foundation


Tripp & Laura Crouch
Big Truck Rental
Broadway Arts Community


Bruce LeBaron & Kathi Grau
Tracy Brown & Greg Holland
Cindy Miller-Ray
Emilia Sargent
Jill & Chris Sketch

Jim Sorensen
Kristine Weinstein
BNY Mellon Trust of Delaware


Elizabeth Corwin
Larry Corwin
John King


Keith Arsenault
Bridget Bean
Kristin Clippard
Larry Corwin
Laura Crouch
John K Danner

Yassert Gonzalez
Peggy Huey
Lee Kasner
The Lara Family
Michael Mathis


Stephen Curley
Sue Dangelmaier
Azza Diasti-Kennedy
Patti Dubose
Jim Frain
Carol Gardiner
Cheryl Golden
Network for Good
Michael Gregory
Debbie Gregory Nouss

Peter Hughes
Bob Devin Jones
Lonni Kehoe
Jack King
June Kittay
Nancy Leach
Sheridon Levens
Christopher Marshall
Faraz Pasha
Fran Powers

Lisa Rohatiner
John Rowe
Bert Royal
Lorelei Spataro
Nelly & James Tharp
Raymond Thorn
Irene Wahba
Carrie White

Tanishia Aaron
Lisa Acebo
Cheryl Adams
Isabella Adams
Deborah Adles
Bonnie Agan
Hal Hultman & Dedee Aleccia
Larry Alexander
Susan Alexander
Timothy Allen
Austin Angelotti
Carolyn Archer
Brianna Arthur
Brooke Asiatico
Ned & Jo Averill-Snell
Connor Averill-Snell
Maria Baez Reinoso
Jacqueline Bague
Maria Barber
Ruth Barrens
Karen Barreto
Janice K Baskin
Simone Beane
Wendy Beaver
Matthew Belopavlovich
Susan Berardino
Paul Berg
Sarah Berland
Gabby Bettaglio
Gabriela Bettaglio
Allison Bica
Larry Biddle
Sarah Bielinski
Brian Bishop
David Black
Deborah Blanchard
Shana Blomgren
Cheri Bollinger
Frederic Bonneville
Dj Booher
William Booth
Phay Borkowski
Susan Boydell
David Bramer
Elizabeth Brincklow
Greg Brodnick
Mike Brumagin
Kristin Butts
Joshua Butts
Zach Butts
Gabby Cabrera
Lisa Calli
Carla Caprella
Deidre Carovano
Tamara Carr
Roxann Casero Rodriguez
Jennifer Casler
Dina Chaviano
Ilene Chess
Anissa Clendinen
Drake Clowes
Maria Clowney
Erin Coalson
Haley Cohen
Parker Collins
Katie Combs
Elijah Conley
Marcella Cook
Kate Cook
Gretchen Cooper
Hubert Cooper
Anita L Cooperwilliams
Carlos Cordova
Elizabeth Corwin
Eduardo Costa
Arlyn Cotton
Slake Counts
Kevin Cowley
Janice Creneti
Lee Crouch
Meghan Dalton
Richard Damashek
Xavier Daniels
Patty Daniels
Frank W. Danielson
Andrey Dantes
Jenn Davis
Charlotte Dawes
John Day
Michele De Lucca-Lowrey
Gloria De Luna
Cristina Delgado
Darla Delgado
Enid Dembo
Susan Demers
Tad Denham
Jack Dennis
Emily Depury
Suzy Devore
Concetta Di Piazza
Chrischell Gourley Diasti
Carlo Dinota
Guesna Dohrman
Annaliese Donaldson
Denise Dorsey
Jessie Dorsey
Hazel Dorsey
Viviane Dos Reis Pina
Martha Downes
Kara Doyle
Tobi Easterman
Gail Eggeman
Summer Elisabeth
Catherine Emslie
Kenneth Engasser
Cary Eyles
Emily Fabretti
Jamie Farkas
Phil Fehr
Pat Fenda
Becky & David Ferrell-Anton

Grayson Fisher
Ruel Forbes
Zachary Ford
Kara Ford
Logan Franke
Bailey Freye
Jennifer Frick
Clauida Galvis
Reynaldo Garcia Iv
Malisa Gardner
Steve Garland
Jane Russell Geddings
Eddie Geller
David Giles
Jamie Lynn Gilliam
Chris Girbes
Maria Gironda
Brilee Gold
Brandy Gold
Susan Goldenberg
Lisy Gonzalez
Patty Gordon
Robin Gordon & Ned Schroering
Stephan Graffeo
Renee Graham
Hilleary Gramling
Josh Grau
Josephine Graves
Amy Gray
Ebony Gray
Margaret Greco
Sonya Grimaldi
Dotti Groover-Skipper
Osman Gruhonjic
Jacob Guardado
Tracy Gunn
Georgia Mallory Guy
Chase Hale
Douglas Hall
Rachel Haman
Elizabeth Hapner
Crystal Haralambou
Mary Harbeitner
Dawn Hargrett
Andrew Harris
Peri Harris
Laura Harrison
Jonathan Hartman
Alexis Hartman
Zach Hashemian
Susanne Hathaway
Molly Healy
Jason Hedden
Merten Heimstead
Yovonne Hendley
Candice Hennessy
Diane Hersam
Ines Hertz
Monica Hess
Terri Hewitt
Scott K Hewitt
Scott Heydt
Kate Hiles
Jami Hill
Jack Hillman
Stephanie Ho
William Hoeper
Steve Hogue
Jaime Giangrande-Holcom
Scott Holder
Nicholas Hoop
Terri Howell
Kathryn Huettel
Stephanie Hunt
Sharon Hurley
Sabrina Hydes
Gregory Hynes
Jennifer Iley
Benjamin Jackson
Ashley Jameson
Scott Janes
Olivia Jonas
Caitlin Jones
Natasa Jonoska
Jordache Jordan
Paige Judd
Chandler Jurski
Ryan Kain
Michael Kangas
Deborah Kauffman
Nia Kaye
Janice Kelley
David Kennedy
Tom Keyser
Margaret Kickham
Summer Kiesel
Brenna Kimball
Andre Kimmig
Beckie Kinkead
Ellen Kleinschmiddt
Nathalie Kobel
Donna Kolar
Jillian Kollar
Jordan Kosanke
Deborah Kosnett
Thomas Koven
Shelly Kress
David Kretschmar
Heather Krueger
Skylar Krueger
Carlton Kuck
Layla Kuck
Kelly Kuethe
Jackson Kuhn
James J Lambert
Rhea Lambert
Lauren Lamontagne
Alyssa Lampert
Jesse Land
Kendra Langlie

Pauline Lara
Matt Larsen
Michelle Larson
Andrea Layman
Tracy Leahy
Mark Leib
Elizabeth Leib
Daniel Lennox
Roberto Leon
Jack Lepselter
Kathryn Lewis
Scott Lewis
Karen Lewis
Rebekah Lichtwerch
Gwen Lindsey
Jessica Litzenberger
Carolina Lolich
Marcela Loparco
Linda Lopez
Erin Lowe
Alexa Lowrey
Leslie Lubich
Elisabeth Lucas
George Lukacs
Sally Mallery
Richard Marenda
Heather Marion
George H Marshall
Lexi Martinez-Monfort
Ann Masterson
Noreen Mathews
James Matulis
Jaryn Mccann
Mary Mccarthy
Deborah A Mccarthy
Meredith McDuffie
Robert Mead
Frances Meadows
Jennifer Lynn Memmel
Michelle Menasce
Heidi Merritt
June Middleton
Brian Miller
Jessy Minson
Melissa Misener
Steve Mitchell
Olivia Mollica
Sita Monti
Michelle Mooney
James Moreno
Tiffany Mosgaard
David Mourra
Peter Murnaghan
Kyle Murphy
Samer Nasr
Beth Nerger
Jan Neuberger
Matt Newton
Tracy Nichols
Renee Nicker
Laurel Norris
Mary Nostrand
Nicole Novak
Sara Nower
Tracy Noyes
Dean Ocampo
Julie Odonnell
David Ohara
Kathy Oller
Eric Olson
Miguel Oquendo
Grainne Orourke
Ines E Ortiz
Nellymar Ortiz Ortiz
Russell Pachman
Judith Page-Lieberman
Shawn Paonessa
Samantha Parisi
Maurice Parker
Jahnavi Pastore
Tejal Patel
Helen Patteson
Orlando Pena
Cara Percoco
Ferry Petit-Homme
Michelle Petrucci
Aurora Elisabeth Peugh
Toan Pham
Ngoc & Toan Pham
Bruce A Piszel
Ellen Podgor
Kathleen Pope
John Porreca
Frances Porter
Mindy Prager
Christopher Radulich
Nicolas Raffenaud
Cayleigh Reid
Mark & Carla Rentschlar
Meredith Renuart
Maria Restrepo
Maria Restrepo
Katie Reynolds
Tim Rhinehart
Jill Finnerty Ricardo
Audra Rice
Allison Richardson
Tommy Richardson
Adeline Richardson
Valerie Riddle
Nancy Riess
Julia Rifino
Sarah Robins
Christopher Rocha
Douglas Roderick
Raul Rodriguez
Desirae Rogers
Briley Rohletter
Carlos Rojas
Emi Rollins

Gregory Rosasco
Naomi Rose
Amy Ross
Joshua Rubiano
Lisa Rubin-Horton
Elliot Rusoff
Cyndie Russano
Joseph Saeed
Marilyn Safian
Sonali Saini
Bonnie Saks
Eddys Sanchez
Kal Sardouk
Jeff Sargent
Christine Sauciunac
Stacy Saxe
Linda Scarritt
Anthony Schmitt
Jeffrey Schoonmaker
Scott Sears
Phyllis Seidler
Nancy Sells
Frances Shaffron
Sherry Shapiro
Tara Sheldon
Nancy Shivers
Nancy Silva
Hannah Simon
Amber Simpson
Hunter Sketch
Russell Skillman
Amazon Smile
Andrew D Smith
Renata Smith
Nicole Jeannine Smith
Kristen Smuder
Luciana Soares
David Sockol
Amy Solomon
Cindy Spahn
Ellen Stenzler
Mackenzie Stephens
Darlynn Stevens
Katrina Stevenson
Meredith Stone
Michelle Storm
Ursula Strahm
Krista Stromberg
Carolyn Stuart
Teresa M Stupski
Ryan Sturm
Rick Stutzel
Jacob Sundstrom
Heather Sutherland
Thomas Sutherland
Ian Sutherland
Mary Sutherland
Mary Swerdloff
Jill Tanen
Cher Tanner
Tenli Tartaglia-Kuck
Cody Taylor
Jane Teasdale Holweck
Sarah Temple
Tyler Temple
Vivian Tennison
Andrea Terrazas
Cindy Thomas
Clay Thompson
Hugh & Patti Timoney
Samantha Tipton
Cindy Tremaine
Mary Trzcinski
Monica Uddin
Lauren Valiente
Leah Van Stralen
Benjamin Vanderheide
Suzette Vassallo
Valerie Velazco
Leah Vicencio
Michelle Vigil
Teresa Vignau
Anthony Vito
August Voss
Karen Waksman
Kiley Walker
Bill Ward
David Warner & Larry Biddle
David Watson
Lilia Watson
Tammy Waugh
Tiana Weeks
Mark Weinkrantz
Jefferson Wells
Victor White
Diane Whitehead
Chryssie Whitehead
Paul Wilborn
Katherine Wilcox
Amy Quezon Wilde
Deborah Wilder
Pierce Williams Jr
David Williams
Isaiah Williams
Sean Williams
Gwennaelle Wilson
Don Winchester
Kayla Witoshynsky
Teresa Wood
Randall Woodard
Kirsten Wrinkle
David Wynne
Katherine Yacko
Zachary Zayas
Mariela Zeno
Rafael Zeno
Dhalma Zeno
Daniela Zeno
Joseph Ziarno
Robert Zinker


Donor Levels

$1 – $99: SUPPORT

Special thanks on our website and in programs for the current season.

$100-$249:  UPHOLD

All of the above and two complimentary concession items at each performance the current season.

$250-$499:  ADVANCE

All of the above, plus 10% discount on tickets.

$500 – $999:  PROPEL

All of the above, plus two tickets to a performance.
* The value of the tickets is $80. Any contribution above that amount is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Sponsor Levels

Sponsors are recognized on show promotions, including programs, fliers, lobby signage, in the curtain speech, in the press release, and on our website and social media. Contact us to learn more about how you can become a sponsor. 

$1,000 – $2,499:  PRESERVE

All of the above, plus invite two guests to accompany you to a performance and invitation to a first-read rehearsal of a season play of your choosing.
* The value of the tickets is $160. Any contribution above that amount is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

$2,500 – $4,999:  SUSTAIN – Supporting Sponsor

All of the above, plus recognition as a Supporting Sponsor for a single production in the current season. Additionally, invite six guests to accompany you to opening night or a performance of your choice, and receive priority ticket reservations to opening night of the sponsored production.
* The value of the tickets is $320. Any contribution above that amount is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

$5,000 – $9,999:  THRIVE – Production Sponsor

All of the above, plus recognition as the Production Sponsor for a single production in the current season with name or logo (with or without link to an external website) placed on the TampaRep website. Additionally, invite eight guests to accompany you to a performance.
* The value of the tickets is $400. Any contribution above that amount is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

$10,000+: ENDURE – Season Sponsor

All of the above, plus recognition as a Season Sponsor for ALL TampaRep productions and events in the sponsored season. Invite ten guests to accompany you to performances throughout the season (additional tickets will be provided to sponsors whose generosity exceeds $10,000).
*The value of twelve tickets is $480. Any contribution above that amount is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

$25,000+: ENVISION – Foundation Sponsor

The foundation of any non-profit is the mission, the values, and the vision of the organization. Sponsors at this exceptional level are committed to those ideas, and to ensuring the future of TampaRep and its place in – and impact on – the community.
Donors at this level of giving will be recognized in perpetuity for their foresight and vision.
Plus all benefits associated with Endure.
*The value of twelve tickets is $480. Any contribution above that amount is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

The Tampa Repertory Theatre operates as a non-profit professional theatre and is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, registration # CH43726. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. U.S. Federal Tax ID number is 45-2408329.


For donors interested in mailing a check directly, please send to:
Tampa Repertory Theatre
P.O. Box 340225
Tampa, FL  33694